Hey Beautiful,

I know you’re here because you love your horse. But perhaps you feel like your relationship with your horse could improve, or is not as special, or remarkable as you’d like it to be. 

I used to feel exactly the same way.

My horse used to run to the far corner of the paddock when she heard my car drive up ☹. She let me catch her, but still, this behaviour hinted at the possibility that she wasn’t as in love with our training program as I was, perhaps even that she didn’t love hanging out with me quite like I loved being with her. ☹ ☹

It felt a bit empty. 

I longed to feel a strong bond and connection with this beautiful creature that I loved so much. I wanted her to CHOOSE to hang out with me and willingly cooperate in whatever I asked.

I tried LOTS of different trainers and experimented with MANY different methods, searching for the magic formula. But NOTHING gave me the feeling I was searching for – the feeling that my horse wanted to be with me and that we were doing things together, as two equally willing members of a team. 

But with every no, I was more determined to find the answer, so I kept looking, and looking, and looking …

Eventually, I realised that training method was only part of the picture. I needed to learn how to understand my horses body language, to be able to listen to them properly. Communication is 2-way after all, right?! 

Learning about equine body language communication (from actual scientists, rather than horse trainers) was an eye opener! I realised how much my horses had been trying to tell me all along and that I had been ignoring them because I didn’t recognise the communications they were giving! 

All of this time, my horses had been trying to communicate with me in really subtle ways, but without the knowledge to interpret what they were saying, all their efforts went unnoticed, (until they got desperate about something and had to start shouting with big scary behaviour) and our relationships had SUFFERED. But now I finally had the tools to understand what they were saying.  

My dream of being able to understand my horses had come true! When I started to respond to my horses signals in ways that showed I understood them, then magic started to happen. Well, it felt like magic. In reality it was just good communication. 

But – just think. Good communication with a horse, as in a back and forth conversation, that’s kind of magical in itself right? I finally have the relationship I longed for with my horses. Except it’s actually better than I imagined, because I never imagined that having a conversation with my horse was possible. 

Oh! And nowadays my horses come running when I call and they all want to be the one to train with me. 😊 😊 😊  #goalsmet


I think everyone deserves the gift of communication with their horse, without having to spend long hours studying text books and papers to get it. 

That is why I developed this program. I have taken all the good stuff, the relevant, useful stuff from hundreds of hours of study and put it together in a way that is simple to understand, with lots of photographic and video examples, some projects to practice with your horse and even the option to get personalised feedback! That’s right, I’ve made it as easy and fun as possible to learn online!

Learning how to communicate with your horse is the first step to having that bond with your horse that you’ve been dreaming about. Horses love feeling like someone is really listening and understanding their communications, it makes them feel safe and able to trust their human on a whole new level. 

Taking the time to learn how to listen to your horse is the single most valuable thing you can do to build a great relationship with your horse.

Heck Yeah!

I Want a Remarkable Relationship With My Horse!!

Are You Struggling With Your Horse?

  • Is your horse behaving in ways you don’t like, but you don’t know what to do about it?

  • Are other people telling you that you need to do something about your horses’ bad behaviour?

  • Have you been told your horse is disrespectful or dominant?

  • Has your horse developed some ‘attitude’ that you don’t know how to deal with?

  • Do you wish your horse would come running when they saw you and want to be with you?

  •  Have you tried different training methods but not found one that builds the relationship you want with your horse?

  • Do you feel like the odd one at the barn because you care about your horses’ feelings and your relationship together?

That sucks my friend. I know, I have been there. 

But I can tell you It is TOTALLY POSSIBLE to have the remarkable relationship with your horse that you are dreaming about.

Do You Want

  • Your horse to stop behaving badly?


  • A calm horse that listens to you?


  • To avoid HORSE DRAMA


  • To be confident and calm when handling your horse?


  • To feel the thrill of having a conversation with your horse?


  • To make your horse happy?


  • Your horse to love you?

It is totally possible. It all starts with learning to think like a horse and speak their language.

We cover this and more in Learn to Speak Horse, a unique online program to help you build a better relationship with your horse. 

How Is This Program Different?

  •  It’s not about how to train your horse

  • It’s about how to understand and communicate with your horse

Heck Yeah!

I Want a Remarkable Relationship With My Horse!!

“Some people think asking a horse to do something is the only form of communication you can have with a horse, but it’s just not true. 

Other people find my relationship with my horses remarkable, but it is only because I learned to communicate with them in more nuanced ways. 

I love to learn my horses’ opinions and hear their suggestions. It helps me to be a better caretaker of them, it keeps our training sessions calm and relaxed and frankly, it’s a lot of fun!”

Sara Jackson - Founder

What's Included

  • 8 modules sharing the content, released weekly for 8 weeks

  • 7 previously recorded tutorial sessions where I share even more info and answer questions.

  • 2 small projects to complete with your horse that will help you practice the skills you learn

  • Insider access to the video library (8hrs +). Watch detailed video feedback as previous 1:1 students learn to identify their horses signals and respond in a way that creates a conversation

  • Comprehensive outline of equine body language signals, with video and photographs so the behaviours are clear and memorable.

  • How to identify the subtle signs your horse is in pain

  • My traffic light system for classifying and responding to your horses’ body language signals

  • How to respond to your horse’s signals in a way that builds your relationship

  • The Equine Hierarchy of Needs and why this is important for your relationship

  • How to meet your horses needs in less than ideal situations

  • What training techniques can cause horsey depression* and should be avoided.

  • What causes your horse to spook ‘out of nowhere’ (and therefore how to avoid it, Yay!)

  • Some of the mistakes I made in the past and how I avoid them now

  • Why you don’t need to show your horse you are the leader/boss/alpha and why it is better for your relationship if you don’t!

  • What a calming signal is and why it's important to your relationship with your horse

  • How to understand your horse so well you start predicting your horses’ behaviour

  • 5-step action plan for dealing with unwanted behaviour without having to do any training

* Certain techniques are linked to depressive-like states in a variety of animals. I am not a vet and this is not a diagnosis. ​

What Past Students Say

A Game Changer For Us

Lisa Summers

"It has been amazing... I’ve learned so much and I really do believe that I can be a better partner to Chizzy just listening to him more and hearing him, you know like hearing what he is telling me... I feel like the subtle level of communication is what has changed us to a different level... and I think it is going into that level that’s been a game changer for us... we were missing that vital ingredient of the cake mix, you know, to get a good cake. So yeah, I’m really grateful for this."

It's Completely Changed My Approach

Leah Kuuse

"This course has been like an image coming into focus. Before I started, I found it difficult to know what was best for my horse and where to begin in developing a positive relationship. Everything seemed fuzzy and – for the most part – a stab in the dark. I didn’t know if I was having the effect that I wanted to. Once I began this course, everything changed. I started to understand the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ that underpin horse behaviour. It’s completely changed my approach towards my horse. Finally, the image has come into focus. I’m confident that I have the skills and knowledge to build a positive relationship with my horse and others in future."

Every Horse Owner Should Do This Course

Lisa Mantellato

“I think every horse owner should do this course…Thank you for putting this together and giving us the opportunity to learn more and hopefully a lot more people will jump on board with this because it’s so important and I’ve learned a lot.”

Heck Yeah!

I Want a Remarkable Relationship With My Horse!!

Your Coach - Sara Jackson

I help people who feel something is missing in their relationship with their horse, to move from longing for a remarkable relationship with their horse, to actually having a deep connection and understanding.


I am passionate about teaching you to build a better relationship with your horse by understanding equine body language and the key motivations for your horses' behaviour. I love to share the best way to respond to your horses' signals so that you create a 2-way conversation and build your relationship.

With qualifications in equine behaviour, science and teaching, I am well placed to share this knowledge. I am skilled at simplifying important concepts and presenting them in ways that are easy to understand and relate to. 

I live in the beautiful South-West of Western Australia with my partner and young son and have the luxury (and labour!) of having my 3 horses at home.

A Truly Amazing Experience

"The method that Sara uses seems to unlock a higher level of potential when communicating with your horse.  It brings out their personality and is a truly amazing experience to watch.  Sara is really patient and explains everything very clearly."

Tracey Snowden

Heck Yeah!

I Want a Remarkable Relationship With My Horse!!

So, how do I have a conversation with my horse?

If you are anything like I was, the thought of actually communicating with your horse, conversation style, is next level dream relationship stuff, reserved for people with telepathic gifts or extraordinary horse sense, not mere mortals like me. 

But I was SO WRONG!

Everyone willing to learn and pay attention to their horse can do this - and it is a GAME CHANGER. Both for your relationship with your horse and the fulfilment you get from spending time together. 

So how does it work?

Step One

The first step in communicating with your horse is to understand your horse. Like REALLY UNDERSTAND YOUR HORSE. In this program we GO DEEP into what motivates our horses so we can start to think like them and predict their behaviour. 


Step Two

Then, we need to know how to read their body language. Like a book – a LARGE PRINT book without many words, so it’s easy to read! Yep, I’ve got you covered here too, Learn to Speak Horse takes you step by step through a comprehensive range of horse body language – from the whispers to the shouting! 


Step Three

Get clear on how to respond to your horses different body language signals. In the Learn To Speak Horse Program, I’ve made it EASY to remember what to do, by grouping your horses body language into Green Light, Amber Light and Red Light signals, so you only have to remember 3 different responses. Woot!



Train your eye with lots of video examples and then get chatting with your own horse. With easy non-ridden projects built into the program, it is SIMPLE to implement the learnings with your own horse. In the program you are encouraged to video yourself with your horse so you can re-watch what happened and slow it all down if need be. This is SUCH a great learning tool. 

Then ask questions, share your videos, get feedback and celebrate your successes in the online community.

If you want 1:1 assistance, there is also the option to get detailed, personalised feedback during the program. 

I can’t wait for you to experience the thrill of communicating with your horse and am here to help you make it happen. 


 Learn to Speak Horse is Jam Packed with valuable information and support to help you … Learn to Speak Horse.

But I just had to include even more value for you, Bonus!

So I have also included my 5-step action plan for dealing with unwanted behaviour, without having to do any training. This is a game changer if you are dealing with a difficult horse, or any horse doing stuff that you don’t like. 

Woot Woot!

I Don't Want it to End

"I’ve been looking for something like this for a really long time ... I feel a lot more confident and calmer when I’m out there with them ... I feel like we are communicating now where before I’d be down there like, just looking at everything just going ‘aarrhh’….I don’t want it to end really”

Samara Deeg

Highly Recommend

"I would highly recommend Sara for anyone seeking a scientific, effective and humane approach to retraining horses with behavioural issues.”

Rachel Van Nierops

Heck Yeah!

I Want a Remarkable Relationship With My Horse!!

What This Program is NOT About

You may have heard a few things about horse body language in the past that are actually untrue. 

Things like: If he licks it means he’s thinking or being submissive, or that bad behaviour means he disrespects you as his leader.


That’s NOT what I’m going to teach you. We have new information now, that gives us better insight into what these and many other behaviours really mean and those old ideas are not only incorrect, but they can lead us to respond to our horse in ways that damage our relationship. Which is definitely something we want to avoid!

What the Program Includes

We cover a comprehensive range of behaviours that our horses might offer, from the most subtle whisper to the big, obvious shouty behaviour, what each thing means and how to respond so that your horse either stays calm or calms down as quickly as possible! Woo!

We go In Depth into what motivates our horses because understanding their priorities helps us to make sense of their behaviour. Understanding why problem behaviour is happening also makes it much easier to fix!

Heck Yeah!

I Want a Remarkable Relationship With My Horse!!

What You Get


8 weeks of comprehensive video training

7 recorded tutorial sessions

2 practical exercises to do with your horse

8+ hours of video library

Community area to share video

Lifetime access

ALL for the ridiculously small price of $349

I spent DECADES researching and trialling different methods to build a relationship with my horse and once I discovered it – HUNDREDS OF HOURS studying equine behaviour, communication and learning – and I put all the good stuff in this program. 

Why? So you can have access to the most effective and useful information and practical skills to start building a remarkable relationship with your horse, RIGHT NOW! SAVING you precious time. Time that could be spent out there with your horse, enjoying every moment together. 

Have you had enough of being frustrated with your horse when they don’t cooperate with you, or behave badly, but don’t want to get tough or be the leader in the way that others tell you is necessary? (it’s not necessary BTW – good on you for recognising that!) 

This course will help you identify why your horse is behaving the way they are and show you how to start addressing it without any training. You’d be amazed how many unwanted behaviours resolve with this 5 step process!

Are you ready to start communicating with your horse in a way that allows them to communicate back? To have a calm, relaxed conversation? To use this technique to build trust with your horse and the relationship you’ve always dreamt of?

There’s no need to wait any longer. The Learn to Speak Horse program is available right now.

Heck Yeah!

I Want a Remarkable Relationship With My Horse!!

A Conversation Based on Trust and Relationship

"I find this training reduces confusion and resistance and opens up an honest 2 way communication system. A conversation based on trust and relationship, that I feel much more comfortable with. Sara helps me to understand my horses emotional response/state during training and how we can set up the environment and training exercises to help my horses be calm and willing participants."

Lisa Mantellato

It's Given Me a Lot More Tools

"I feel heaps better, you know, in that (our pony) is starting to show some more relaxed signals now and we can work from there…I just wanted to say thanks, cause it’s given me a lot more tools to be able to tune and listen to her and what she’s saying and also to help (my daughter)."

Kerstin Hutchison

Are You Ready?

  • To learn to speak horse?

  • For your horse to be calmer and more cooperative?

  • To understand how to make your horse happy?

  • To experience the thrill of having a conversation with your horse – or any horse!?

  • To have your horse choose to cooperate with you?

  • To Learn my 5-step action plan for dealing with unwanted behaviour without having to do any training

Heck Yeah!

I Want a Remarkable Relationship With My Horse!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I compete with my horse, will this program work for me?

A: Yes, absolutely! 

This program is relevant and effective regardless of how you train, what activities you do with your horse or what discipline you ride. Our horses are all bound by the same inbuilt motivations and communicate using the same body language, so once we learn how to really understand them and communicate back to them, it will improve your relationship with any horse.

Q: I see that you train using positive reinforcement, will I learn to do that as part of this program?

A: No, this is not a training program.

The focus of this program is to teach you what motivates your horse, the body language signals that horses use, what they mean and how to respond to them in order to build your relationship with your horse. 

It is suitable for all horse guardians who want to understand equine behaviour and body language better, to create a better relationship with their horse, regardless of how they train.   

Q: I am not having behaviour problems with my horse but I want to have more of a bond with her. Is this program suitable for that?

A: Totally!! 

We are all about helping you understand your horses’ motivations and body language so that you can truly listen to her and teaching you how to behave so that you can have a conversation and build your relationship together.


Q: My horse is rearing when I lead him. Will I be able to get specific advice about that issue during the course?

A: No. Addressing any kind of behaviour issue is outside the scope of this program. 

Having said that, you will learn my 5-step action plan for dealing with unwanted behaviour without having to do any training. Putting this action plan into place for any behaviour problem is highly recommended and can sometimes resolve problem behaviours. You may find that between implementing this action plan and being able to read your horses body language better, the rearing problem is resolved. 

Q: How long will I have access to the content?

A: You will have lifetime* access to the content.

* this means for the lifetime that the course is available. At least one year from the date of purchase. 

Q: Is the content all available at purchase?

A: Yes! So get ready to dive right in.

Q: What do I need in order to complete the program?

A: Three things: 

1. Access to a horse to practice with.

2. A computer or phone with internet access sufficient to stream video. 

3. A video recording device (such as a phone) so you can record yourself working with your horse and watch it back later. 

Q: HELP! My question isn’t here!

A: No worries, just pop the details in an email to me and I will get back to you with an answer. 

Heck Yeah!

I Want a Remarkable Relationship With My Horse

I want you to have the amazing relationship with your horse that you dream of.

It took me decades to learn that having the bond and relationship I dreamt of with my horses, would only happen once I understood what they truly needed and learned to read the nuances of their body language, interpret it correctly and respond to it so they felt understood. 

I would be honoured to share with you what I have discovered, so that you, too can build an amazing relationship with your horse – without having to spend decades trying to figure it out!  

Sign up today and let me help you build a remarkable relationship with your horse. 

A truly amazing experience

"The method that Sara uses seems to unlock a higher level of potential when communicating with your horse.  It brings out their personality and is a truly amazing experience to watch.  Sara is really patient and explains everything very clearly."

Tracey Snowden  

Highly recommend 

"I would highly recommend Sara for anyone seeking a scientific, effective and humane approach to retraining horses with behavioural issues.”

Rachel Van Nierops 

A conversation based on trust and relationship

"I find this training reduces confusion and resistance and opens up an honest 2 way communication system. A conversation based on trust and relationship, that I feel much more comfortable with. Sara helps me to understand my horses emotional response/state during training and how we can set up the environment and training exercises to help my horses be calm and willing participants."

Lisa Mantellato 

Heck Yeah!

I Want a Remarkable Relationship With My Horse!